Bad Morning? Idea by Anja Art by Anja, Leo and Xenon Featuring Xenon and Anja No matter how bad Anja's morning is, something small always picks her back up.

Old Ones Idea by Xenon Art by Anja, Leo and Ferris Featuring Ferris, and Orion In a world of humans, even ancient beings can struggle with fitting in.

No thoughts, Head empty Idea by Eric, Art by Anja Featuring Anja and Eric Anja was finally granted a break from her exam revisions, yet when she starts drawing, all comic ideas stocked up for months suddenly vanish. Thank gods Eric, our resident punk merman babysitter is always here to casually help out.

Bad Morning? Idea by Anja Art by Anja, Leo and Xenon Featuring Xenon and Anja No matter how bad Anja's morning is, something small always picks her back up.