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Who is... are Xena & Kin?

Xena & Kin is a brand for a group of personalities who strive to tell their stories through colourful bubbly stylised illustrations, animation and writing.
Xena & Kin's core values surround environmental protection, inclusivity and mental health positivity, all stemming from our personal experiences and lifestyles. Not only telling our mental health stories, we're also believers that art is a language that helps everyone communicate, offering our illustration, branding and writing services to empower others.

Our artists have over a decade of creative writing, digital and traditional illustration experience since 2013. Since 2021, we started designing printed and digital marketing material, logos and branding guidelines at MeWell Community, a mental health awareness non-profit based in Zurich Switzerland. Xena & Kin was founded in October of 2022, after which we started offering our services to several organisations big and small, private clients and have begun selling our environmentally conscious merchandise and prints. In our vow for green business practices, we source recycled, recyclable or compostable packaging, vet all production partners for their environmental contributions, fair worker treatment and ethical material sourcing. Being green isn't just about the above, but also the quality of the products themselves. Durability over consumption!

Xena & Kin is not just a name for a brand, but a plural system of diverse artists who treat each other like family. Plurality is a state of living where multiple personalities inhabit one physical body due to either religious practices, imagination work, neurodivergence or mental illness. 
The main people representing Xena & Kin are Anja, our hostess whose appearance matches our body, then Xenon, who is the most present in every day life alongside Anja. The two form a romantic partnership and are placed at the centre of our system, lending it their names. "Kin" in Xena & Kin stands for the rest of us who live and work alongside Anja and Xenon.


About Anja
Hostess, She/Her
Anja is Xena & Kin's soft-spoken lead artist and designer. Her passion for art started at a young age when she was taught Chinese, her now mother tongue, through watching subtitled Japanese animation, notably the animated Pokemon series and Naruto.
Still a huge Pokemon fan today, she was later inspired by animated shows like My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic and big artists such as VivziePop and Thanksxu, developing a vibrant art style with a touch of cuteness. During a severe mental health crisis in her teenage years, she turned to art as her answer and used her skills to illustrate certain "voices" in her head, later found to be her multiple personalities who now form the centre of her art and private life. Currently in therapy, her dream is to live off of her artistic talent and self schooling. She'd love to reside in some small home amongst the nature of Switzerland, selling prints online to bring smiles to others as she takes care of herself, her system and probably many cats. 

About Xenon
Host, He/Him
Xenon is Xena & Kin's second host, a humorous soul with a wide range of interests including but not limited to history, philosophy, theology, geography, programming, gaming, aviation and astronomy. Having been Anja's romantic partner since 2013, he started Xena & Kin as a business with her and takes charge when it comes to operations like customer service, logistics and marketing her art to the world, using his natural draw to statistics and resource management to good use. In everyday life, he takes on a social role, meeting with strangers to the system and bonding with others to create solid friendships. He's naturally extroverted and will often be the mind behind the face speaking among the many personalities at Xena & Kin.

About Jack

Jack is one of the 6 main people in Xena & Kin. Eloquent and posh, this man spends most of his time hidden in an inner world where he works as a judge or in Xena & Kin's real life home busying away with cooking and cleaning. He's a parental figure to the two hosts who often consult him for advice when lost. In the rare moments when he isn't keeping himself productive, researching the limits of physics, or waking up before the sun rises for some lavender tea, he is a hobbyist playwright, landscape painter and anonymous philosophical debater at his local taverns once a few beers are down.

About Goliath

Goliath's Xena & Kin's second protective figure after Xenon and is a minotaur. Having gone through extensive self work thanks to Jack, he now spends most of his time helping Jack out with Xena & Kin's household duties, maintaining his houseplant collection and bonding with Anja through small activities like creative drink creations, yoga or helping her with creating artworks for
Xena & Kin's business. He's the gentle, quiet, plant-loving giant of the system.


About our Little One
Our sunshine
Xena & Kin's system main members have a member who is a lot younger than the rest. We're reluctant to share much information about them besides that they hold Anja's childhood happiness and are a huge fan of sunflowers. They're being taken care of by other members of the system, mostly Ferris who is their main caretaker.


About Ferris
Wholesome food lover, caretaker, He/Him
Ferris is Xena & Kin's key emotional support. A cosmic fox spirit, he's become a big foodie after discovering the joys of eating shortly after joining Xena & Kin's system. He's focused on providing care and inner healing to our Little One and other system members, having an unintentionally therapeutic effect on all who know him.
As Xenon would put it "He's a big fluffy softie, I love him!"


Names of other members of Xena & Kin
Listed in no particular order
- Czar, Pianist, theologist and philanthropist
- Eros, relationship counsellor, fabulous fashionista
- Xavier, blossom prince, married to Philip
- Philip, jogging enthusiast, married to Xavier
- Leo, G. Leo Leonidas, emotional support and romantic
- Igni, basically a fire-breathing Himbo, dating Morri
- Morri, local veiled lady, Jack and Anu's mother, dating Igni
- Anu, Jack's brother, mineral enthusiast and nerd
- Eric, punk merman doing fishy business, quitting cigs atm
- Techna, fairy high tech science lady, built too many robots
- "Two-0", robot built by Techna, imitating sentience, autopilot
- Avisha, idol prince, constantly fidgeting

- Fulong, local eastern dragon, likes specific tea cups
- Daisuke, Fulong's servant and partner, soft hearted blue oni
- Andy, sandman meets cupid, protector of childhoods
- Flora, mother nature, Goliath's teacher and employer
- Aquilo, Flora's husband, ice mage and Czar's teacher
- Michael, knightly creator of worlds, wielder of gauntlets
- Shu, mysterious cosmic mage, grasps their control of time
- Gui, heavenly serpent, embodiment of fear and panic
- Orion, deer old one, cosmic all knowing deer headed creature
And then some more...


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